Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Dogs.

Dog Sledding---a work of art--honestly. The dogs working together to put a simple joy into my day. Yeah its cold. And, yes, my face freezes, my fingers go numb, and my ears feel like they'll chip off if I flick them.  The dogs are running smooth, quick, and strong. I can hear the snow crunching beneath the skis. Looking to my left at the tree line-admiring God's canvas.  The colors are so plain but crazy beautiful. I hear Macco bark.  I see a lose dog coming our way-and fast.  The sled picks up speed, the dogs get excited.  Usually "On By" gets Macco going on--keeping him focused. He did just that until the lose dog took a bite at his neck...I slam my snow hook in the ground-In an attempt to hold Goof, my malamute, back from ripping the dog's head off-- I run to the front of the team trying to find some way to stop this crazy blood shed..Sharp teeth, dogs going wild. Only thing to do? Kick the dog in the head as hard as I could.  It stalled them for just enough time for me to get in between them. Focusing on keeping the dog from hurting my pup. An unfair fight--Macco is tied to the sled.  As I look over my left shoulder, the dog came back at me biting me hand. tearing the skin from palm to the tip of my thumb....damn!! that hurt really bad haha!  Blood all over the snow. The lose dog runs off....

My hand is Throbbing in pain!! Bleeding badly. I took my under shirt and wrapped it around my hand.  The sting feels good... Pain feels lovely.

Stoked for this SEASON!!!


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